Scott worked at a gas station when he was 13 years old, much like Mr. Dale’s place in Pascagoula. Mr. Dale is building the Camaro a new motor and Scott spends a lot of time at Poole’s Full Service helping. He is right at home. Today, we loaded up the boys and all went over to see how it was coming. While the engine stuff was pretty cool, the gas station itself was what really had my attention. I can remember coming here with my Grandmother when I was little. It’s the only full-service gas station in the town where I grew up and I’m not sure if she knew how to pump gas. She had only learned to drive around the time I was born. If you look really hard, you can still see the faded out Texaco star on one of the pumps.
While it may not be the Ellisville Exxon, and the boys aren’t quite ready to pump gas just yet, I do believe Scott liked the idea of his boys hanging out in front of the gas station waiting for a customer to drive up, and so did I. In a way, this place has a little history for both of us and now it will have some history for them. Don’t you love it when that happens?