So, today was awards day for Team 1. I wasn’t sure if Christian would be getting anything, but yesterday on the field trip one of his teachers told me if he made his AR each 9 weeks he’d get one, and all Honor Roll and Principal List students get one, so Scott and I didn’t want to miss it. They were just about to start the ceremony and we couldn’t find Christian anywhere. I asked one of the teachers and she realized that he is one of 19 students who has Connections as his TA, and they never are where they are supposed to be. They had to go get them! Christian hates having this class as his TA. They never have celebrations like the other rooms and have to ask to go to other class celebrations to participate. Not to mention, his locker is nowhere near anything, and this alone can drive a 6th grader nuts. So he finally gets there, and they start handing out awards. They went through Honor Roll, then got to Principal’s List and I waited patiently for my child’s name to be called, only it never was. I turned around to Christian wondering if I had maybe missed a B on a report card, but when I saw his face, I knew I had not. They called out some other things, and he won for top Science average, which he ran down to get and hollered, “I got one!”
Later, he was recognized for Best All-Around for balancing citizenship, academics, family and friends, which we were really proud of, as was he.
They moved on to Accelerated Reader awards, and again, Scott and I waited patiently for our kid to be called, and again, he was not. After everything was over, we were sitting there wondering what the hell just happened. I went over to the teacher I met the day before and asked. She immediately knew the source of the problem and it was his TA. She wasn’t even at the award ceremony, and apparently didn’t submit her classes awards, so I’m sure he wasn’t the only one this happened to. They promised they would get his awards to him, but the awards ceremony is over. I was aggravated, but Scott was pissed. Christian works hard for those grades, and deserved the recognition for doing so. Christian was disappointed, but it was nothing a check-out couldn’t fix. Besides, he was only missing Science, and he already got that award! Only kidding, his Science teacher said it was fine.
After a few hours of swimming, fishing, and 4-wheeling, he forgot all about his two missing awards.
I’m pretty sure he hasn’t given it another thought.