I have so many pictures that we are gonna have to break this down a bit, first, let’s get off the ground. We flew out of Gulfport. I didn’t want to fly at all. It’s been awhile, but the boys needed a trip.
After I recovered from take-off, I took pictures to distract myself. Look, there is Beau Rivage!
Graveline Bay is somewhere down there, I think.
Then we were in Atlanta.
Back in the air…
When it was time to land in Denver it was so foggy, I couldn’t see a thing. It was a little stressful. Suddenly we were on the ground. I had no idea we were even close. Then we pull up and there is ice everywhere. It didn’t give me any tingly, good feelings, but we made it safe on the first leg of the trip, and for that I am thankful.