Let The Crazy Begin

My favorite foods are all seafood, lobster and crab being at the top of that list. We decided to go out to eat tonight for the first time since we’ve been here and I broke down and ordered lobster. I was excited. When they brought the plates to the table, I immediately got a whiff of something awful. I thought it was Jackson’s fish, but when I reached down and touched my food, the smell hit me. It couldn’t possibly taste bad, it was lobster after all. I had to get past the stinky and eat my food. I took a bite of what is usually the best tasting thing on the planet and knew I had made a huge mistake. It took everything I had to swallow that bite. I had to move my plate to the other end of the table, in front of Scott, who informed me there was nothing at all wrong with my food while cleaning my plate. Those that know me, know this is normal crazy pregnant stuff for me. My favorite foods become disgusting and cole slaw tastes like bleach. Oh yeah, the crazy has definitely begun!