Once, I went to a petting zoo in Oklahoma City and fell in love with a little baby black goat. I didn’t pet another animal the entire time I was there. When it was time to go, I had a major melt down about taking the goat home with us. My grandmother said later that she was seriously considering asking the people if she could buy it, and what it would cost to ship the goat to Mississippi. I was three, but I’ve never forgotten that goat. I’ve asked for one a zillion times since, but the problem of where I’d keep it always comes up. I think I’m destined to a life without a little black baby goat. Luckily, there are fairs, with livestock, and I occasionally get to visit one. Isn’t it cute? Just ignore the bigger brown one, it’s the little black one I came to see.
Jackson was not at all impressed with my little goat, he’s more of a bunny man. What idiot allows their child to put their hands into the cages??? Oh wait… nevermind.