I’m normally not this far behind. Okay, who am I kidding? I’m usually this far behind. Normally, I’d be freaking out right about now, but this year, we are just going to let it go. The Christmas village hasn’t been put out, Christmas card pictures haven’t been taken, and I haven’t made a single baked good to send to school. And honestly, no one has even noticed. They seem to be enjoying themselves regardless.
So far, the highlight was when after getting the entire Christmas tree decorated, about 2/3rds of the lights went out. We got most of them back on, and I decided that it was good enough. The next day we were decorating the little tree in the dining room, and half the lights went out. I just walked away. It is still half lit, and half decorated. Again, no one even noticed. I’m sort of digging these laid back holidays.