It Was a Splash!

undefinedJackson wanted a water slide for his birthday party and it was a hit. The kids started sliding and swimming around 11:oo and continued on after the party finally giving it up around 5:00 or so.undefinedSomewhere in there we managed some Happy Birthday,undefinedsome candle blowing,undefinedsome chocolate cake and ice cream,undefinedundefinedand opening presents.undefined Jackson had the best time playing with his buddies all day. Towards the end of the party, he was so worn out, he just sat there staring into space. I don’t know how he mustered up the energy for another 4 hours of playing with his cousins, a visit from Maw Maw & Paw Paw and Deedy, and a night time swim, but he did. Thank you to everyone that made my baby’s 7th birthday such a special day!