I’m not sure if I stopped posting because our kids left and the empty nest was just too much, or if I just couldn’t go through all my pictures for the last four months because although it was wonderful, it was a little sad, and I wasn’t ready. Either way, this was the day that we left Jackson in Oxford and said goodbye. We stopped by Shipley’s on our way to the dorms to bring him a treat. He rolled out of bed and came to give us our hugs.
I know he’s going to do great things, and I know he is going to have the time of his life. Both of my boys are exactly where they should be, killing it, and I can’t even explain how much pride and excitement I feel for them. But sometimes, when our house is too quiet and their absence is too obvious, I miss them both with a depth and intensity I was not prepared for and it still sometimes takes my breath away.