Is There an Award for Worst Mom in the World?

I know most of my posts are centered around good and happy, because there’s lots of good and happy, but sometimes it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. There are days when I yell. a lot. Days when I’m sure one of my boys needs some surgical help to remove his head from his butt. Days when simple instructions get misunderstood, over and over and over no matter how slow or loud you say them. Days when I know I shouldn’t be the one to help with homework or studying, and no one in their right mind would disagree. I’m told it’s the age, but I’m not sure if it’s his or it’s mine. I know we’ll be better tomorrow, but today, while I was off accepting my Worst Mom certificate, my sister came over and helped my man with his studying, so thank you to her, and my sister-in-law for sending her earlier. Y’all saved his life and possibly my sanity, lol.