I’m Not THAT Scared

20090924_0512I had something else planned to post tonight, but I stayed up too late watching the Ole Miss game, which I don’t really want to talk about right now, so I’m posting more creepy critters instead. I had another snake today. I called Scott to describe it and as soon as I was fairly certain in wouldn’t kill me I ran and got my camera. My snake posed for me and barely moved a muscle. I’m not really that afraid of snakes, so I was pretty close just snapping away. When I got done with my photo shoot I went to get a stick to run him off so I could bring the dogs out. That’s when it got ugly. I expected him to turn and book it away from me as fast as he could, but that isn’t what happened. Instead, he turned, coiled up, rattled his tail and tried to attack my stick. I was a little surprised. He wasn’t backing down. 20090924_0522eLater, I was recounting the story to Scott expecting him to be shocked along with me and he was all, oh yeah, those things are aggressive. They will chase you but they aren’t poisonous. WHAT??? You let me go out there and get all close and personal with some snake that was more than likely going to chase me and bite me, but just not kill me? He’s so sweet… always looking out for me.20090924_0521e