If You Don’t Pet the Buffalo, You Won’t Get the Marshmellum

20091128_4667The boys were playing the Wii tonight and getting along so well, I was almost scared to go check it out. Jackson can’t quite catch up to Christian in most games, and he gets a little frustrated. Every once in awhile he’d just put the controller down and say he was done. It only took him a few seconds to reconsider, pick it back up and try again.20091128_4687On the rare occasion that his pouting lasted longer than a couple seconds and there was some speculation about whether or not he was giving up Christian would tell him, in a funny voice of course, “Jackson, if you don’t pet the buffalo, you won’t get the marshmellum!”20091128_469220091128_469320091128_4694Jackson would erupt in a fit of giggles and then go get his controller and resume the game. Worked every time.