As promised, and really for my Mom alone, I am putting up pictures of me and Jackson. Christian took these, probably to torture me for all the picture taking I inflict upon him. I need to get it out there that I had been walking/running that afternoon, my hair was a disaster, I had little to no make-up on, and was told later that I smelled like I had been out at the pool. God bless husband and children for not pulling punches. I didn’t say I looked good, just that I had pictures.
No, my arm was not hacked off but is holding us up behind me, and yes my kids need haircuts horribly. BUT, one day I’ll be so happy to have myself in some pictures with my boys even if my hair does look like I just walked the bridge or attempted to run the neighborhood. So, thank you to my young photographer that I so bravely handed my camera. Maybe we can do it again some time, like when I don’t smell like the pool.