My man inherited my old lap-top last year, and we’ve found a really good use for it, besides Club Penguin. We LOVE Spelling City!!! It is this cool website that actually makes studying spelling words fun. Each week we load in his spelling list and he goes to the site and plays some of the games, then takes practice tests.
I can’t remember him ever making less than a 100 before, okay, maybe a 95 once, but this seems to work, too.
I don’t hear any moaning or groaning when I mention spelling words these days. He used to absolutely despise making up sentences, putting them in alphabetical order, and don’t even mention writing them three times each!!! We still have to go over them together each week, like we did before, but throwing this cool site into the mix makes it much less painful. See, he’s a happy spelling genius… a happy spelling genius with a fondness for sunkist!