How Did This Happen?

20080523_2431 He was just born. I swear, it was just a few days ago I was checking out his little gumby head and wondering how to change his first diaper. It was only second ago that he took his first steps or lost his first tooth. So, when did this all take place? When did he go from being that chub little baby, only to zoom past toddlerhood and wind up here? He is such a little man. Today was his last day of 2nd grade. He is an official 3rd grader, complete with his own little sarcastic comments and eye-rolls. Yes, I know Mom, I deserve it, ten times over. He’s a really smart kid, hence the clever remarks he dishes out and the great grades on all his report cards. He’s very athletic, although not very confident most of the time. He’s very sensitive and never wants to hurt anyone’s feelings. He usually takes any criticism or hurt feelings to heart. He loves to play baseball, play with his friends and cousins, go hunting or fishing with his dad, go to the islands, ride his dirt bike, spend the night with Mawmaw & Pawpaw, read, swim and play video games. Most days he can be found outside playing in the neighborhood. He is my child. He is me, from the sarcasm and the eye-rolling to the lack of confidence and sensitivity, and while I have never particularly thought a lot of myself, this boy is amazing. How can something that is so many parts of me come together into someone this special. Now don’t get me wrong, I see his Daddy in there, too. He’s stubborn and intelligent. He’s dependable and can be a leader. He’s handsome and fun-loving. He’s strong and protective. He’s still mine. My heart, my personality, my chin, my nose, my silliness, my frustrations…my boy. I couldn’t be more proud.