I don’t think I mentioned yesterday that we found some strange things, besides starfish, on the island. Actually, our friends, who will remain nameless to keep them out of the papers, found them. They looked like tar-balls. They were black and felt like clay, but leaked all over your hands when you held them. They smelled a little like oil. We don’t know what they were, but Scott wanted to report it so they could check it out. Before we even made it back to the dock, Sun Herald called. I figured I’d just hurry and get our stuff together and split with the school-skipping kids and leave Scott to talk to the paper. Never leave a man to handle delicate matters such as this…
Did you see it? Did you see what my husband told the reporter and was in our local paper today??
Bad parenting confirmed in our local paper, AWESOME!!
Oh well, it was still worth it. Luckily, I had already told my kids not to brag on where they were yesterday, but not to lie either. We are a lot of things around here, and liars just shouldn’t be on that list. In fact, sometimes we are a little TOO honest, said Taylor who let her 5 and 10 year old boys skip school for what she feared might be their last boat excursion for awhile.
Oh, and if you want to read the rest of the article…