So, we meet again. Just kidding, they are totally friends. We had to play Generelli again, damn it! Whoever won this game went to the championship. It was sprinkling on and off and tensions were running high. Well, maybe not high, but everyone was excited.
It was going ok,
then Thomas came up and did this…
It hurt, I’m not gonna lie.
They gave it their all, but Herbert’s Hogs (Seriously??? Who picked that name?) lost by 1. Or 2. I don’t remember. We brought water and cookies to either celebrate or console, but they seemed like they were fine. Jackson was pretty pissed for a second because, well, he’s Jackson. He moved on quickly. 3rd place out of 17 or 18 classes, that ain’t bad!!! Congrats Generelli! We hope y’all win it all! Would it be weird if I went to their game???