I volunteered to make iced cookies for Jackson’s class for Valentines Day. I was thinking that I would run over to Anderson’s Bakery and grab some. It would be all easy peasy. Think again. Anderson’s is closed on Mondays, and I don’t know how to make iced cookies. Dammit! Okay, here’s where it gets better. My sister DOES know how to make them and was willing to spend her whole Sunday making them for and with me, mostly for. Who needs Anderson’s when we have Deedy!?! I was able to bring beautiful iced HOMEMADE cookies for the whole class. I know it’s hard to tell how yummy they really were with the awful lighting, but they were awesome and the kids and adults loved them. Thank you Deedy!
I wasn’t invited to Christian’s party, although I sent treats there, too. 5th graders are too grown up for parent parties, but don’t tell Christian because he still would rather I come. Me, too! Thank goodness, I was still allowed to go to the 1st grade party.
Jackson was opening up all his cards and leaned over to show me one from a little girl in his class. He whispered, “Momma, look it’s from K. I thought she hated me!” I didn’t have the heart to tell him that there was a list and you had to send them to all the names on it, and there was still a possibility that little K really didn’t like him. Besides, I knew that just wasn’t possible. My littlest Valentine is impossible not to love!