I was going to post this last night, but somehow, Scott and I ended up with an over-tired 7 year old in our bed and things got delayed. Now we are just two over-tired old people enjoying a lazy Father’s Day at home. I know it’s hard to believe, but my rough and gruff husband started out as a sweet little toe-headed boy that would sleep in his crib by his Mom’s bed holding her hand through the rails. Seriously. I’ve been told he was the best baby! That must be why my babies were so sweet. I hope that doesn’t mean I should be worried about their adolescence. He wasn’t quite as sweet then. There really was no way to tell if he’d be a good Dad, not that I was concerned about that at the time, but it turns out that it was something he was meant to do. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still rough and gruff, and we could both stand a few lessons in patience, but my loud, rough, type A personality husband is not above holding my babies when they cry. He’s not above changing a diaper or making dinner. He’s not above cuddles, snuggles and love. And he’s not above letting a 7 year old crawl into his bed even though he knows that his good nights sleep just flew out the window. He’s always there to take them fishing, throw the football, play baseball, cheer them on, make them feel better when they are scared or hurt, and make sure that their life is everything they could hope for.
His reward for all of these things is being loved, not just by his boys, but by me, too. I know he doesn’t need a card to tell him that, but on this day, a little more than all the rest, I hope he knows how much he’s loved, and how we’d all be lost without him. I love him for a zillion reasons, but giving me my boys and being their Daddy, well, there’s just no way to thank someone properly for that.
Happy Father’s Day Scott. I hope you have a great day!