Sorry for my absence, but it’s summer, and we tend to go MIA during the hot, school-free days. I’m still taking pictures, just not getting very far with them. Jackson woke up to his eighth year to a birthday song from Daddy. Does it get any better than that? Ok, yeah, there were presents, so to an eight year old, it does.
Jackson’s big present was a Kindle Fire, which he loved. He was supposed to have a pool party, but the weather was so bad, we had to reschedule. Thank goodness for the Kindle, it made the rainy day so much more tolerable. He had a friend come over and play, so that helped, too.
I made a back-up ice cream cake, in case the party didn’t happen, compliments of Pinterest, and it was a hit. MawMaw & PawPaw came over to celebrate.
When it finally stopped raining, there was enough time for a pool bath and to try out his new water guns!
I think having his party rained out wasn’t so bad, now he gets to celebrate twice.
There was even a sweet brotherly moment, only slightly coaxed out by Mom.
Then, it was back to normal.
Happy Birthday my Jack Smack! Eight is going to be so much fun!