I’ve always tried to nudge my boys towards costumes that I liked. That was easy when they were really little, I mean, who can forget the chicken costume??? But, eventually, it’s all power rangers, Star Wars and ninja costumes. And you can’t fight it. You just have to accept it and go with the flow! I was expecting zombie killer again this year, or something equally gruesome, but my man shocked me when he came home and announced he wanted to be a gangster. Initially, I thought he meant like gold chains, guns and gang signs, but I was pleasantly surprised when he told me he meant a mobster. ADORABLE!!!!
And adorable he was!
And, see??? Cute can be fun, too!
Do a little dance for me baby.
See Christian back there with no costume at all?
He was way too busy playing ball.
Taylor came over for our neighborhood party.
For the older kids, that consisted of non-stop basketball until midnight.
Lulu did better than Christian, she dressed up for the occasion, not that she was really into it.
Fergie wouldn’t even wear her hat.
Elsa helped me give out candy.
I knew Carly was going to be Elsa, could just feel it in my bones.
Kinsey was Minnie Mouse.
I have the cutest neighbors!
Happy Halloween!