It rained off and on ALL day. I’m not complaining, really I’m not. We needed the rain. The boys were just stuck inside and going a little stir-crazy. Keni spent the night, so it wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been. A friend always makes everything better. They played video games, and watched movies. We have now seen Spiderman 15 times. Luckily, around 5:00 there was a break in storms long enough to go swimming for an hour. That counts as a bath… Right?
Check that one out. You’d almost think they liked each other. Actually, I have to give it to them. There must have been an order to cease fire given that I was unaware of. I haven’t heard them yell at each other in at least 4 hours. I think that is some sort of record.
Some time during the Spiderman movie, Jackson disappeared for a little while and came back like this. He’s had it on since, and only took it off to swim. I feel safer knowing there is a super-hero on the premises. I’m fairly confident he’ll be sleeping in this tonight. Wait ’til I have to pry that mask away at bedtime. Do you think a 4 year old will buy that even Spiderman doesn’t sleep in his mask? I sure hope so.