First Island Trip of the Season

I’m not sure what’s going on with me these days. The boat has always been one of my favorite places to be, but last year, it became a constant cause of worry. I made Scott turn around a couple times last summer because it was too choppy, and once because of fog. I became one of those people that held on for dear life, my knuckles white with fear, and played out every awful scenario that could take place in that boat. I wore a life jacket, and not just during the scary parts, but the whole time. I began to dread boat trips. What was happening? This was my spot! I’ve always gazed out at the Gulf and told Scott how much I loved it there, and if I saw a dolphin, or a pelican, or a fish, or a stingray, or a starfish, or a sand dollar, or, okay, if I saw anything, I marveled at it! It was my happy place. Maybe it was just an off year. So, this trip, the kids, clueless about my concerns, went on with their reading, which always makes me smile. I still wore my life jacket, but that’s just common sense, and I did hold on tightly at times, and even worried a little, but that awful panicked feeling wasn’t there. We only crashed one time in my head, and I’d like to call that victory.It became my happy place again. It was always their happy place, and that trend continues.We had miles of beach to ourselves,and we only saw 2 other people all day.If that ain’t a happy place, I don’t know what is!
Seriously, Best. Day. Ever!!!