I’m going to have to break this post up. I have too many first day pictures and not enough sleep to make sense, so bear with me. My boys started school today.
Jackson was so excited the night before school started that he couldn’t get to sleep. He kept coming downstairs for water, then a snack, then to just sit on the stairs and listen to what we were saying. We finally got him to sleep some time after 9, but he woke up at 5 a.m. thinking we had forgotten about school. We put him back to bed, but then we couldn’t go back to sleep.
I could tell Jackson was a little nervous this morning, although he wouldn’t have admitted it for the world. My stomach was in knots for him. He was still excited, and proud as hell of his kindergarten backpack.
Christian was too cool for Sunday school! He didn’t obsess over the bus like he usually does the night before, and seemed relaxed and ready all morning.
Do we want to mention that I forgot to take the sticker off his new shorts? Does that make him less cool? He’s in the 4th grade now. A sticker can’t bring him down!
More tomorrow…