The coolest part of Jackson’s field trip, besides his teacher, was the boat ride. They threw out these huge nets and brought up all kinds of sea life for us to hold and look at. I didn’t get any pics of that because I was touching blow fishies and stingrays. It was serious. The second, and not my favorite part of the trip was a mile or two hike down the beach to go dig in the sand or something. We thought it was going to be cold, so I had on long pants and a long sleeve black shirt. It was not cold. I was tired and hot and I forgot to pay attention. They were using tools that looked familiar from a previous field trip, so I must have tuned out. At least I was quiet which could not be said for all the parents, ha!
After some class pics, we headed back to the building and had lunch. I checked my Jack-Smack out and we enjoyed the rest of our free day! On my field trip scale, this comes in at a smooth 8, it would have been a 9 had we dressed properly!