Favorite Pictures from 2008

This was my 2nd or 3rd try shooting lightning and I lucked up with this one.
2008Jul27_5408 This was the first shot with my favorite lens, the 85mm. Jackson looks so sweet watching his brother and his friends taking off without him. It was so hard when he was three!
20080502_1866This one was just pure luck that she was in focus. It was at Jackson’s birthday party. This little girl kept asking her Daddy to throw her higher, and he did just that!
20080617_3488I love this shot of Christian. He looks so grown up. I can’t believe he is 9 years old already.
IMG_0215I loved this picture of our friends and their new baby. They look pretty happy, don’t they!
editedAnd, last but not least, I had to include my Christmas tree pictures. I’m just pleased that I was able to do what I intended to do with a picture. That’s always nice.