Moxie is the only dog that I think really likes Deebo. Could be because she is still a puppy, too, and his annoying ass antics don’t phase her. She never puts up with his crap and they can run for hours. Seriously. I’ve seen it.
It looks mean, but I promise, it’s love.
Here comes Jackson…
Deebo’s not far behind…
and Moxie bringing up the rear.
Fergie even gets involved. She’s not too sure about Moxie yet, but only because Moxie tries to pet her and Fergie doesn’t know what to do with that.
It’s almost like seeing Lulu and Capone running around out in the front yard, except younger… and more spastic, and possibly with a higher danger factor to bystanders. That one is on Deebo, though. Moxie is a lady.