
20090626_9689ceI love this face! Couldn’t you just stare at his picture all day long? That silly grin, those eyes, and oh my gosh, that hair! Well, I’m his mom, so I could, and I imagine I could find a grandmother or two to back me up. So whaddaya think? Color? Black and White? Color? I don’t know. I’m as conflicted as Christian is about cutting his hair.20090626_9689bw1One minute he says he’s never cutting it again, and the next he says he wants to cut it short and make it spiky on top like he did a few years ago.20090626_9695I haven’t got a preference as far as black and white or color goes, but if he gets one of those spiky haircuts ever again in his life, I’ll be devastated. I can’t imagine this kid without his shaggy hair, and honestly, I don’t want to. I let him cut it off last time, because it’s his hair and all, but this time I’m putting my foot down. Or not. We’ll see.20090626_9695bw