We worried all day about our boys, just hoping they would both have a good day. Finally, the time came to pick Jackson up. Looking good so far…
A little squinty from the sun, but he doesn’t look like he was tortured all day. I’m hopeful.
When he got close I realized he was covered in sweat from the bus ride home, but other than that, completely happy.
On the ride home he told me he made a couple friends and he really liked his new teacher. I can’t ask for anything more than that!
Now, for the one we were unsure of… would Christian get off the bus with a look of complete devastation? Wellllllllllll……..NO!
The boys strolled into the neighborhood positively joyful.
When I asked about his day, he said it was okay. He only went to the wrong classroom once, and he’s sure he won’t like Math. He loves his Social Studies teacher, and he felt the most comfortable in his Connections class because it was so small. Overall, he didn’t really like it. I didn’t believe him. Finally Scott asked him again with the disclaimer of I know it’s school, and it’s not cool to say you like it, but is 6th grade doable? His response without hesitation was, “Oh yeah!” So while he won’t be admitting it anytime soon, he likes the Middle School and I know he’s conquered another fear. The unknown is a scary, scary thing.