Donna brought Colbie and Josie over to swim last week, and I took the opportunity to follow Colbie around with a camera. Eye contact with her aunt that she was still warming up to, wasn’t exactly priority #1. I managed to get just a few. There were about 150 more where she was looking anywhere but in my direction. Just like her big sister, that girl is fast!
But, again, like that sister, she is GORGEOUS! I thought they looked so different, but every once in awhile, Colbie would make a face, and I’d see Josie all over it.
I would have followed Josie around with a camera, too, but if she wasn’t swimming, she was doing this. Let me tell you how bad it pissed her off that I took this picture!
She may never forgive me, well, until I catch her jumping off the side of the pool for the 100th time. Then, we can probably talk.