I know it takes me forever to catch up on holiday pictures. Sorry about that. It was dark when they came and woke us up, so forgive the graininess. At least I managed to take them. It was the butt-crack of dawn, after all. Jackson saw what he was looking for immediately, the gun barrel was poking up just where he expected. Christian, on the other hand, was barely awake, and half-dressed. He was hoping for a fishing kayak but it was nowhere to be found.
At least there was a camouflage Alabama hat. That took the sting out.
Jackson was still enjoying the gun when they got word that there were a couple things out in the garage for them.
He didn’t get his own kayak, but he did get an aluminum fishing boat with a trolling motor. He said that was even better. Now he can take a friend.
He may not look it, but he was thrilled. I think the fact that it was 6:30 in the morning was starting to take its toll.
Well, not on Jackson.
Christian got a second wind.
After the boys got dressed, MawMaw & PawPaw came to see their loot. Christian showed off his new boat.
MawMaw and PawPaw were sufficiently impressed.
I hope Santa was as good to everyone else as they were to us!