Y’all probably know my kids, and if you do, you know how difficult Christmas pictures must be. I had one day, later than I should have waited, and only 30 minutes to make it happen. Fifteen to twenty of those minutes involved getting dressed and bitching about it, but don’t they look handsome?
Jackson’s smile sometimes looks like he’s remembering something awful. Seriously, he thinks he’s smiling!
You have to get him out of his head to get a natural one, and by that time, Christian is aggravated or aggravating.
He does try to help me get the natural smiles, but then he looks like a serial killer.
He will threaten violence, which Jackson thinks is funny.
I loved this one, even though it wasn’t quite what I was going for.
And, no, you cannot throw your brother off the pier.
Somewhere in those fifteen minutes I got this one. Sure, Jackson is about to bust out laughing, but it’s a real smile, and I’ll take it!!!