The Royals played in the championship game Sunday. We lost the coin toss and were up first.
They started off really strong.
Jackson got on base, and did some stealing. He is sliding a little late, but we’ll figure that out.
Then came the scary part. Jackson was pitching. He is a very good pitcher, but he’s never done it in a game. That’s a lot of pressure on a 9 year old, and if you know him, you know he already puts enough pressure on himself. He also hates being the center of attention. Ummmmm, hellooooo, pitcher, center of attention!!! I was proud of him for being so brave.
He came out throwing.
I could tell he was nervous, but he was doing so good!
He would get frustrated when he threw a ball, but he powered through.
When he got out of the inning successfully, he breathed a sigh of relief.
Batting was no problem.
He scored!
Next, they were in the field and it was back to the mound.
It went really well, and he was all smiles coming off the field. We had a really good lead and he was confident.
Scott told him how good he was doing.
In the third inning, he walked a few players and it shook that confidence. Scott tried to talk him down, but he was too far gone.
We changed pitchers and he got us out of the inning, but not before they tied it up.
After we went into overtime, we scored, but we still had to hold them.
It was touch and go, but in the end, the Royals came out on top. Jackson was so excited!
I mean, really excited!
So, congratulations champions! We are proud of you!