Category Archives: Wildlife

How Baby Duckies are Made

We witnessed something in Destin that I’ve never seen or heard anything about in my life… ducks mating. I won’t go into the specifics, but let’s just say that if these were people, there would be 10 drakes awaiting trial dates as we speak.I’m scarred for life, but it’s nothing compared to what this hen...

Redneck of the Month

The boys went with Maw Maw & Paw Paw to eat and the arcade, so Scott and I do what any parents left kid-less on a Friday night do, we rode around the neighborhood on the 4-wheeler with a glass of wine, for me at least. What? You don’t do that? Is that weird? We...

Who Said it was a Hummingbird Feeder?

Whoever it was forgot to tell this Praying Mantis. I didn’t stick around to see who won, but by the time I left, it wasn’t looking to good for this guy.Look a little closer. I bet it ended up being a hummingbird feeder after all.

Baby Turtle

Maw Maw and Paw Paw found a baby turtle yesterday and brought it over to find it a safe place. I’m not sure this is what they had in mind.Don’t worry, only minimal handling before he found a nice spot, and we found some anti-bacterial hand soap.

Bird Watching

The kids had a very brave visitor while they were taking a break from fishing today. At first they were trying to be all quiet and still, but then realized they weren’t bothering their guest at all. They would get up, move around, laugh and talk, but their new friend wasn’t easily flustered.At first it...