Category Archives: Weather

Somewhere Over The Clutter

I wanted a picture of the rainbow a few days ago, but the problem with taking pictures down the bayou is that I get the neighbor’s pier. I tried to cut it out, but I almost lost the rainbow. Worth a try…

A Little Random

As I’ve been sitting here patiently waiting on rain that will never come, I’m looking at pictures of the weather we had almost daily while in Destin. It’s like weather porn. Is there such a thing? My grass would say yes!Our scrimmage game got rained out tonight. Funny, not a drop at my house. Seriously,...

Seasonal Confusion

One of the many things I love about South Mississippi is our crazy weather. We had a freeze warning last night, a fire this morning for Lulu, and temps in the 60’s this afternoon. I have flowers blooming outside like it’s Spring. You know it’s bad when your weather confuses the plants.

Coming Home

Before driving home, we failed to check the radar. Huge mistake. The weather was bad, so bad in fact I was sure we would never see Mississippi again. Finally, about 40 minutes from home it cleared and there was the most vibrant and gorgeous double rainbow that I have ever seen. Unfortunately I was driving,...