Category Archives: Scott

My First Baby

I’ve talked about my first baby before right here, and today, I’m going to talk about him again. Today is the first day my kids know a world without Ollie in it, and I can’t even begin to tell you how sad that makes me. I brought this little fur ball home, despite protests from...

Inked at Four

I know we shouldn’t contribute to our son’s fascination with tattoos, but how can we not? I figure by the time he is the age to get a real tattoo, he’ll think we are so stupid and uncool, it just may sway him the other way. I at least hope if he chooses to get...

Afternoon Swim

Can you feel the love there? Jackson can. What is it about my boys and smiling underwater? Christian’s smiling so big, I can see the gum in his mouth. Jackson has learned to do a flip underwater. Sometimes it isn’t pretty, but it gets the job done.