Category Archives: Scott

Flashback Friday

I couldn’t find any baseball pictures of Scott, so football will have to do. Aren’t flashbacks fun??? I think this means I need to have a discussion with my boys about their expectations regarding their hair.

Just Another Day

Yesterday, Scott got the 4-wheeler stuck in the backyard, AGAIN. We tried to borrow Daddy’s 4-wheeler to drag it out, but because his hasn’t been cranked this year, we had a little trouble getting it started. Instead, Scott just pulled the truck back there and made Christian ride it out. It’s about time that kid...

If Hunting Offends You…

Too damn bad. Sometimes it offends me, and nobody cares much about that either. We’ll have to work through it together. Duck season is over, so I thought I’d better post some pictures of the killing spree. I didn’t take any of these pictures because girls aren’t allowed. I’m going to go ahead and speak...

Arctic Blast

This is my house when it was a biting 17° outside. I know it’s hard to tell. Other than the frost on the roof and ground, it looks like any other day. Well it wasn’t. It was freezing. After the boys left for school at 6:40 I bundled up and went to check out the...


We’ve declared a holiday over here in honor of the BCS Championship. This is how the boys started out watching the football game, all nervous and excited pulling for Alabama. I am pulling for Texas because Roll Tide just won’t come out of my mouth for some reason.After halftime, things looked more like this. Short...