Category Archives: Scott

Blue Angels

We made it to the Air Show Sunday. It was a miracle, but we did. We had just eaten, and weren’t there 5 minutes before the kids found something they had to have. I ended up with one, too, and it was good, but still… 5 minutes? Really? Emmy Cake was the only one that...

Trying New Things

I promise we are still here, we’ve just been busy trying new things. I was supposed to go ice skating with Christian, but due to some unfortunate craziness with my back causing me to walk and wince like an old lady, Scott got the honors. They stuck close to the rail, and Scott busted once,...

Happy Birthday

I really don’t have a post, because I’ve spent the last two days running around trying to get all the little things done for the last day of school before the holiday. I swear, I’ve been in the kitchen for two days, and if you know me, you know that is just insane. I didn’t...

Fair Post #3

The boys finally found a ride they could both agree on, but they needed Daddy to ride, too. I was worried at first that Jackson would get on there and figure out quickly, this wasn’t what he signed up for, but that didn’t happen. He smiled the whole time.Scott couldn’t even fit his head through...

Greyhound Stadium

Christian had his first football game at Greyhound Stadium last night. I got a few shots of my man carrying the ball, and I thought, maybe we’ve seen that before. I mean I take the same pictures every week of Christian taking the snap, handing it off, and occasionally running or passing the ball…But it...