Category Archives: Scott


One super hot day in Destin, we went and claimed one of our well deserved hour-long kayak rentals. I’ve wanted to try it, but was unsure I’d be able to hang, much less an hour. Some cute little skinny young surf girl set us all up while I confessed my worries of it being too...

Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jig

Sometimes, I think I could stay in Destin forever, but the days go by and we start missing home. Our plans were to stay until at least Thursday, but things came up, and we changed those plans. I figured we’d pack today and head back tomorrow, but once I start packing and cleaning, it’s almost...

Checking Out the Sunset

The boys wanted to go to a few of their favorite spots to find golf balls, and one of those spots happened to be one of my favorite sunset watching places. The sunset wasn’t quite the show it had been the days before, but it was still pretty, and I had to get a few...

Small, Medium, Large

On my birthday, when I asked the boys for a quick photo, they ALL walked over and sat down, with no complaints. If that isn’t a sweet gift to Mom, I don’t know what is. My moment didn’t come without some serious outtakes.  Every family photo needs someone giving the finger, or bunny ears at...

All Because of Baseball

When Christian started playing T-ball, Scott got a team. Christian already knew a few kids on the Marlins, but we met a bunch more that year. None would become quite such a part of our lives like one little boy and his family. Jordan and Christian were fast friends, and have stuck together through many...