Category Archives: Scott

Our First Day Back

A few weeks in Destin can really wear a fella out!Scott wasn’t home for an hour when he got an alligator hunter phone call. A baby had wandered up on a neighbor’s porch, so Scott and Stan returned him or her to the bayou, but not before showing us. Everyone touched the baby but me, but...

And the Tropy for Most Blood Goes to….

The Astro’s end of the season party was Saturday, and we had a great time. We may not win many games, but we ain’t ever lost a party! There was pizza, swimming, and my favorite part… they got their trophies. I love Scott’s trophy presentation. We’ve had everything over the years, from the best game...

A “Jolly” Good Time

We went to the Jolly McCarty Gala with Bud & Sara again this year and had a blast. Sara and I were only mildly seduced by the bottomless wineglass, and Scott’s highlight was meeting Hall of Famer Ricky Jackson!Such a fun night, already looking forward to next year. Thanks Sara & Bud!!!!

Leftovers From Destin

What would Destin be without a cocktail on the back porch? Does anyone else think it’s weird that I took a picture of my drink?He likes hanging out on the back porch, too… minus the icy beverage.He did it!I have a little obsession with Cuties. I eat at least seven or more a day. I...