Category Archives: Scott

Passing the Torch

Christian has always been the fisherman in the house. He loves it, no, he more than loves it! He eats, sleeps and breathes it! Jackson has been content to watch, but Christian got it in his head to sway Jackson over to his side.He enlisted the help of his Dad.Jackson has turned out to be...

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to our Dads. Oh, how I wish I would have gotten a picture of my Daddy with the bird on his shoulder before he left!!!Hope you had a great day, Scott. We love you. Love, your wife, your kids, your dogs, and even your bird!

Christmas Morning

I know it takes me forever to catch up on holiday pictures. Sorry about that. It was dark when they came and woke us up, so forgive the graininess. At least I managed to take them. It was the butt-crack of dawn, after all. Jackson saw what he was looking for immediately, the gun barrel...

Just a Little Icing

We made time for Christmas cookies, and Jackson didn’t disappoint with the icing.Everyone took a bite, but no one could choke that sucker down.We’ve really got to re-think this tradition.I’m certain Santa doesn’t need this much sugar!

Fair Post #5 Last One

Ok, this is it. Just a few more rides.With the last tickets, we kept up the tradition of the boys on the slide, only Christian is too old for that stuff, so I guess it has become boy on slide. I imagine I only have a time or two left of Jackson doing it. Better...