Category Archives: Scott

Flashback Friday

Whatever happened to Flashback Fridays? We need to incorporate those back into our lives! Can you recognize this little cutie here? Yeah, me neither. Look at all that hair! I’m the tiniest bit surprised that they had color photos back when Scott was this age.I’m detecting a little resemblance here…I totally married the cutest guy...

More Ch..Ch..Ch…Changes!

Remember back in the day, April of 2011 to be exact. Scott has always been our only captain. He has taken us everywhere in the boat we wanted to go. Now, fast forward a few years. Christian is just shy of 14. This summer, he took a boaters’ course and got his Captain’s license, and...

Skimming and Digging up Grayton

When there were not water spouts to keep our eye on, the boys found plenty to do. Christian and Noah bought new skim boards, so they spent the entire day doing this.Normally the water at Grayton is crazy gorgeous, except the day that the sand barrier between the lagoon and the beach breaks, and all...