Category Archives: Scott

Christmas at Daddy Dan and Na Na’s

We went to Ellisville this weekend to have Christmas at Daddy Dan and Na Na’s house. After Marianne’s amazing lunch I took some pics. Usually just Chad is the crazy man, but Drew and Christian are following in his footsteps. Sure is a good looking bunch!Jackson put on Emily’s bow for a minute, but opted to...

It’s a Milestone

Scott and I finally made gumbo together. He skipped out at the end, and completely missed the making of the second batch, but cutting vegetables for me totally makes that okay! I feel so grown up!

Sometimes We Like Not Sharing

After spending most of our summer in Sandestin and swimming in the crowded neighborhood pool, it was a nice change to have our own back.  Jackson has perfected his dive so he’s really missed the diving board.I missed the salt water. The threat of green hair is real and scary!There was plenty of room for...


We really spend a good chunk of time on the golf course, and we drag everyone with us! Jackson is still my most cooperative subject, well, sorta.He’ll go to the beach for a sunset,  provided that we take him night swimming. It’s a good trade-off. Just a little random to brighten your day!

Under the Palms

There is an awesome little beach on the bay where we paddle and Jackson found the perfect spot in the shade to watch while he wasn’t out there. Not only can he watch us paddle, he can watch the planes. I can see Scott in the background watching them, too. Like Father, like Son!