Category Archives: Scott

Game 2 of Fall Ball

We played Vancleave again. Yeah, again. Jackson was at first, and Garret was pitching. It was a really evenly matched game. B. J. made a good play.The coach shaved his beard and just as I am about to get used to it, it’s growing back. I’m not complaining. I’d tell you the score, but I can’t....

Measure Up

Since we moved into this house, we have been measuring the boys on their door casings. We did it last week. Jackson comes in at 5 feet, 4 ½ inches at 12 years and 3 months. He grew almost 3 inches in the last 6 months. He’s not done. I only have a half inch...

Flashback Friday

Just for a quick break in the underwater photos, I thought I’d share this gem. Riley & Riley took this photo back in the day. They were downsizing and cleaning out of all their old discs, prints and negatives this summer, so Donna picked them up for us. This is one of the last and only professional pictures...

One Last Goodbye

Just as we are about to go, Wes got to come home. So, we managed one more afternoon on the golf course throwing the frisbee, goofing off, and then eating dinner.There’s a lot of love here!Looks like Scott has dinner ready. We better go eat!