Category Archives: Scott

Jackson’s Day

Jackson’s day began with us crawling into bed with him to wake him up while singing. There were birthday calls and texts to answer. There were presents.We spent a few hours floating in the ocean.There was a birthday dinner and cake,then, hanging out with friends and family on the golf course. Jackson’s birthday was a good...

Flashback Friday Daddy Dan Edition

Yesterday was Daddy Dan’s birthday, so we are flashing back to some oldies we dug up of him! The first is Tina, Daddy Dan, Scott and Torria in Houston, Texas, on Trifalgar Drive in about 1966. Daddy Dan was a cutie!  The next was Scott, Daddy Dan and Torria at Easter on Oakhurst Drive, in...

And Then They Were Here

The last day of school is a 60% day. In high school, they have exams on that day, in middle school, it’s just a wasted morning, good for nothing, so Jackson and I snuck out of there early. I have to clean and stock the place, and that takes at least a day. After Christian finished...

We are the Champions

I don’t know who was more excited about our winning the tournament undefeated, the kids or the coach! This could possibly be our last time on the baseball field, and the last trophy presentation, unless they fire up the pony league again. I may cry!If this was it, what a way to go out!Way to...