Category Archives: Scott

Golf Course, of Course

I know our summer looks like the same pictures over and over, and that’s probably because they are. Most afternoons we are on the golf course, sometimes behind our house, sometimes somewhere by the bay, but everyone loves the golf course. We play a lot of frisbee, we take lots of pictures,we show off our...

Flashback Friday

Flashing back 20 years here, and I know it’s 20 years because last week was our 20th anniversary!!! Who knew we were capable of doing anything for 20 years straight!? Happy Anniversary, baby. You are, by far, my most favorite husband ever!

With High Honors

We finally made it to the coliseum to see Christian graduate. He was easy to spot because he was right by the service dog.Jackson and Jak approved.Christian graduated #53 out of 425 with high honors. I was snapping away.And then I put down my camera and ugly cried. I am so very proud, and so...