Category Archives: School

My AR Champion

Jackson is on an Accelerated Reader roll! He made it to 375 points this week and they gave him a lobster. A few days later he was up to 400 and got a caterpillar. As of this moment, he’s got the most in the school. How awesome is that? That boy is a reading fool....

Swim Graduation

Jackson’s class graduated from swimming class. You’d think that being able to go swimming during school hours and in the winter would be a hit with 3rd graders, but both of my boys were not into it. They both learned to swim when they were 2, so it wasn’t really a necessity for us. Jackson...

Job Shadowing

In 7th grade, the kids get a day to job shadow someone in a field that they have some interest. I knew Christian was into animals and the environment, so Laura helped me find him some really cool options. He chose his favorite and I called them and set it all up. So, last week...

Just Keep Swimming

The 3rd graders are still swimming every week for P. E. I’m no longer there as Yearbook Photographer, I’m just moral support for Jackson. He’s such an awesome swimmer, so I’m not sure why he needs it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I only have a few years left where they still need...

His First Middle School Game

This game was played a few weeks ago, but it was his first, so we couldn’t just pass the moment by. Honestly, I can’t remember if they won or lost, but he played, and we were proud. I could tell he was a little nervous at first, but it didn’t take him long to get...