Category Archives: School Pics

School Pictures – Jackson 7th Grade

So, I found Jackson’s school pictures. When I say found, I mean, I had to reorder them because the order form that I know I filled out was never turned in, so I called and had them send me a disc. I’m so happy that this photographer has gone back to natural edits on school pics instead of...

School Pictures Christian-11th grade

I got Christian’s school pictures last week. Aren’t they cute?? He did re-takes so they took a little longer. When they came in, I realized that I never got Jackson’s so I’ll begin the hunt to track those down tomorrow. I hope they are as good as Christian’s. 11th grade documented.

School Pictures 2013

What are the odds that I would unknowingly dress my boys in the same color on picture day? It wasn’t even the same day! I didn’t realize it until just now. Damn, I’m good, or bad, depends on how you look at it.8th grade and 4th grade school pictures documented!