Category Archives: Photography

Smoky Bokeh

If you aren’t into photography, then this probably will be some completely useless information for you. In fact, I can’t promise that it will be helpful either way. In photography, bokeh is the blur, or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image. Depending on my settings, sometimes you’ll notice that my...

Checking Out the Sunset

The boys wanted to go to a few of their favorite spots to find golf balls, and one of those spots happened to be one of my favorite sunset watching places. The sunset wasn’t quite the show it had been the days before, but it was still pretty, and I had to get a few...

Shoot the Moon

What a fantastic moon tonight! I wish I could have got it lower in the sky, but I couldn’t make it home in time. I can only drive so fast!


I’ve been working on another one of my assignments and it involves circles. Apparently I suck at finding circles. I did manage to find these. I’m glad the circle hunt is over. Moving on…

Class Work

Sometimes I have assignments for the class I’m taking, and there are no kids willing or able to help me. I have to look for other subjects. So what do ya think? Picture worthy?Yeah, I like it better when they help me, too.It’s not as cute when it’s a Star Wars Clone. And their muscles...