Category Archives: Nature

Hummingbird Central

Has it really been a year since I took pictures of hummingbirds at Mom & Dad’s house? Mom brought me a hummingbird feeder over after last time and we filled it occasionally. Then, it hung there empty and right around the time the hummingbirds came back in town we had a storm. It ripped the...

Silly Question

We are having the neighborhood landscaping guy give us some help in our flowerbeds. Turns out, Scott, nor I, have any talent in the gardening department and our yard always manages to look like a Monet. From the road it looks okay, has all the elements you think it should, but if you get up...

Brought to You by the Girl Who Kills Everything

I planted this lantana a couple weeks before Spring Break, and then left for ten days. It didn’t rain once while we were gone.  When we got back, they looked like they might not make it. It didn’t surprise me a bit. I forget to bring things in when it freezes. I water things too...

How Baby Duckies are Made

We witnessed something in Destin that I’ve never seen or heard anything about in my life… ducks mating. I won’t go into the specifics, but let’s just say that if these were people, there would be 10 drakes awaiting trial dates as we speak.I’m scarred for life, but it’s nothing compared to what this hen...

Azaleas in Bloom

The azaleas are blooming, and I needed pictures. I decided that I’ve seen pictures of azaleas a zillion times. I’d rather see pictures of my boys, because I never see those!Who cares if they are filthy and covered in bug spray, always worth it! The pink blobs behind him are my azaleas. Not bad, huh?...