Category Archives: Me

Senior Prom – Part 8 Senior Walk Out and Dance

Well, we finally made it to the event and watched the kids do their Senior Walk Out. It was so dark that it was hard to see them, but we managed. Afterwards, the moms danced with the boys and the dads danced with the girls, although Scott had been saying all month that he was...

Flashback Friday

All this talk of prom, I thought I’d flash back to my high school proms. I think I’ve noticed a trend…  Ridiculous hair, and I can’t keep my eyes open. I’m sticking with that trend decades later!

Flashback Friday

All this talk about Christian’s senior casuals, we are flashing back to my senior casual pictures from Olan Mills. So much to discuss, the hair, the clothes, the jewelry, the makeup, the shag carpet, or how about the finger in the ear? You are welcome.